Friday, February 5, 2016

While reading the CNN article and watching the two videos, I found a lot if things interesting. 
Some key concepts from the article:
-The brain seems to respond especially strongly to certain artistic conventions that mimic what we see in nature.
-The individual cells in the visual system that pick out the light-dark edges also happen to respond to lines. 
-Patrik Vuilleumier figured out that the amygdala, apart of the brain involved in emotions and "the flight or fight response", responds more to blurry photos of faces depicting fear than unaltered or sharply detailed images. 
-Artists often play with luminance in order to give the illusion of three dimensions, since the range of luminance in real life is far greater than what we be portrayed in a painting. 
-To trick the brain into thinking something looks three-dimensional and lifelike, artists and elements-lighting and shadows- that wouldn't be presented in real life but that trap into our hardwired visual sensibilities. 
The key concepts I chose I feel really gave me a better understanding of artists and the reason things are made and how the brain processes the images the eyes see. 

From Aesthetics: Philosophy of Art
-In the middle ages there was no aesthetics and the foundation for aesthetics were laid in 18th century England. 
-Plato mistrusted poets because he felt they often spoke about things that they couldn't know. 
-Neoclassical aesthetics is aesthetics of proportion, symmetry, harmony and order. 
-Fredrick Non Schiuer (i think is how his name is spelled) was apart of aesthetics education. This is designed to imbue students appreciation for and understanding for the arts. 
-In the 19th century, few would have doubted Romanticism was the last word in aesthetics. 
-Music embodies the will to live.
-The expression theory is the expression of emotion with expression and emotion defined in ways particular to the theory.
-Aesthetics is always linked to a society as a whole. 

From CARTA: Neurology and Art and Aesthetics
-The beginning of this video was very hard for me to hear and understand, but some of the things that I got from it was the 4 definitions that Changuex listed (art,distance language, aesthetic efficacy and art history)
-30 areas of the brain concern with visual processing
-Artists create hypro stimuli to help the brain process images. 

Aristotle was the philosopher who's theory on aesthetics that I feel is important. Aristotle (4th century BC) analyzed tragedy. He inferred scientific rules of composition-the three unity's-Action, time and place. Unity action is when each tragedy should represent a single action with no subplots. Unity of time is the time frame of the plot and that it should not exceed more than 24 hours. Unity of place is the action of the play should take place in the same location. 

Changuex and Ramachandran sure had an interesting view if aesthetics and art. Changuex  described aesthetics as a discreet mental synthesis if multiple parallel and distributed process. From external perception and from internal memories, stored emotion is the aesthetics experience.  Once you really think about this it becomes extremely interesting. 
The interesting fact from Changuex was when he said selection and storage of an efficient rule most often implicit for top-down restriction of the number of possible representations-creates style of the artist. 
Ramachandran had the eight laws of aesthetics. 1.Grouping 2.peak shift principle 3. Contrast 4. Isolating a single cue to optimally excite cortical visual areas 5. Perceptual 6. Symmetry 7. Abhorrence of unique vantage points 8. Art as a metaphor
The interesting fact that he stated was the point of art is to deliberate, exaggerate, alter the image in some way to provide pleasing effects on the human brain. 

The videos I think co inside with the readings. The videos give you a better insight into how the brain processes images and pieces of art that we see and how we might decide that it is something that we like or not.  The texts gave us an overall outlook on what the history of art is and the different philosophers had a part in history, but I think the videos gave us a better understanding of why and what philosopher believed. The videos did help me further understand the readings more as well as did the article. I personally would rather read and pull information from reading and be able to watch the videos and understand what I am watching.

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