Saturday, March 5, 2016

Response to videos

I found the videos very insightful. I had a hard time reading some of this chapter because I was just not that into it, but the videos helped me get more involved. The videos and the readings together help each other explain more about it with seeing the process. Watching them make the sculptures got me a bit more interested especially the clay process and the molding.
In the video Through the eyes of a Sculptor I for a lot of things interesting. 
-It is important for artists to know who they really are so they move away from home like Emmanuel did. 
-Stone Cory is always 12 degrees Celsius and their is no climate change. Every stone has a different smell. 
-Sculptors must use feelings to put life into the sculptor and to keep ideas fresh Emmanuel worked on more than one sculptor at one time. 
-They make molds of clay for a negative
-Pours plaster in mold to cast the plaster model. 
-Michelangelo work still inspires the nation
-Try to put themselves in the sculpture to really feel the movement you want to express.
-Not just 1 person works on a marble sculpture many people do. Something like 5 to 7 people because they all specialize in different areas. 
-The stone is the canvas for a sculpture
Marble is 99.9% calcium carbonate 
Glass and Ceramics
-Glass is made from said, but the properties are different and glass is not a true solid.
-Fusion occurs at 1500 degrees Celsius
-On contact with air, the glass gradually hardens as it cools, but it can be re heated to form a different shape.
-Final firing gives it strength and protects it from thermal shock which can weaken it. 
-There are many types of ceramics, but the difference in it are the raw materials that are used.
-Clay is fired at 1100 degrees Celsius  and is used to make bricks or floor tiles
-Dry firing is the most important part because it determines the final characteristics
-Glazing also makes it water proof and can also give ceramics color when substances are added to them. 

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